The Dark Ranger
Around this point, the weakened Ner'zhul began to lose control of the minds of Sylvanas and a number
of banshees. She kept this discovery from Arthas and Kel'Thuzad while continuing to serve. The dreadlords contacted Sylvanas and explained that they knew the cause, and arranged a secret meeting with her. They told her that Ner'zhul's-and by extension Arthas'-powers were beginning to diminish. The nathrezim intended to use this opportunity to seize control of Lordaeron. Sylvanas tentatively agreed to assist, but under the condition that her aid would be provided on her own terms.
The dreadlords planned on killing Arthas within the capital, but Sylvanas created a contingency plan in the case of Arthas' escape. She arranged for her banshees to feign allegiance and escort him to a place in the woods where she would be waiting for him. After Arthas survived the dreadlords 'ambush and escaped the capital, Sylvanas' loyal sisters saw him to the arranged place , and then killed his bodyguards.
Sylvanas had, at this point, succeeded in using her abilities as a banshee to repossess the body that belonged to her in life. Sylvanas was now a corporeal undead creature. Hiding in the shadows, she struck him with an arrow she had crafted-a venomous sting that would paralyze him. Arthas was furious at her betrayal, and demanded that she finish him. But Sylvanas refused to show him the mercy of a quick death and intended to make him suffer-as he had made her suffer in undeath. She was about to begin her grisly work when Kel'Thuzad arrived and intervened, killing her banshees and chasing her off.
Back in her physical body, she realized that the natural world would never respond to her wishes again. Angered by this development, she turned to the arts that were becoming more and more natural to her: necromancy. She then altered her elven ranger teachings into a new form. Thus the dark rangers were born.
Queen of the Forsaken
"Sylvanas" by Metzen
Arthas left for Northrend, having been summoned by the Lich King, and Kel'Thuzad went into hiding. [9] Sylvanas and her sisters were freed, but Sylvanas was still troubled. Though free from Ner'zhul, she and the other free-willed loyalists remained monstrous abominations in appearance.
Scouting the outer wilderness, Sylvanas found a plethora of creatures who would serve her well, and with her banshees at her disposal, they would have little choice in the matter. She sent out her banshees to possess Mug'thol, the leader of the local ogres, the Bandit Lord, Blackthorn, the gnoll ruler, Snarlmane, and the Murloc Puddle Lord. Those she did not possess were killed. With so many new allies, Varimathras was quick to fall before her. But after she defeated him, Varimathras begged for his life, saying that he could serve her well. He knew his brothers' tactics, and where their bases were located. Sylvanas knew trusting such an insidious creature was a risk, but felt that she could control him enough for her purposes. With Varimathras' assistance, they moved against Detheroc's forces.
Detheroc had acquired a human puppet, Garithos, and his men, and was using them to protect himself. Sylvanas had his scouts possessed, and then infiltrated his base while their guard was down. As they slept, Sylvanas swept through the twin bases and slaughtered any before her. Though they eventually awoke and raised the alarm, it was too late. Sylvanas disabled the humans and ravaged Detheroc's forces, eventually coming to the dreadlord himself, and killing him swiftly. With the dreadlord dead, Garithos was freed from his mental control. Sylvanas saw him as arrogant and foolish, but felt that she could use him. She lied and promised to relinquish control of the Capital to him if he helped her kill Balnazzar.
same to Garithos.
With all their enemies dead, Sylvanas made a proclamation to Varimathras. They would rule the Plaguelands as the Forsaken, and would stake out their own destiny, where none would get in their way.
Interestingly, reports say Sylvanas moves to and from Northrend; it's unknown if she is scouting for a possible attack on the Lich King, or if she has darker plans. There are rumors that Lady Sylvanas Windrunner is setting up a Forsaken city up there somewhere. In any case, she remains an enigmatic figure-her motivations unknown even to her most trusted advisers.
Sylvanas, the Banshee Queen, and leader of the Forsaken traveled to Quel'Thalas for her own reasons, but soon encountered the traitor Dar'Khan, confronting him in the ruins of Silvermoon. She aided Kalecgos in attempting to stop the traitor from claiming the Sunwell's energies; though she was initially unsuccessful, she distracted Dar'Khan long enough for Anveena to regain her power and vaporize him. Sylvanas agreed to keep Anveena's identity a secret in the interests of preventing Arthas from gaining the Sunwell's power.
In World of Warcraft
This section concerns content exclusive to World of Warcraft.
The Dark Lady during Hallow's End.
Sylvanas in Orgrimmar, shortly before the Scourge attack.
Now, she rules over the Forsaken from Undercity. Her goal is to one day take vengeance upon Arthas, and find lasting freedom for her cursed people. She sends promising warriors to train under her champion, Nathanos Blightcaller.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner 'is a level?? faction leader located in the Royal Quarter in Undercity. She is also the only racial leader who is not (technically) the same race as most of her people (she being a high elf in life, and most forsaken being known to be undead humans).
She starts the following quests:
Meeting the Warchief
Ancient Evil
The Champion of the Banshee Queen
The Crimson Courier
And finishes the following quests:
Journey to Undercity
Envoy to the Horde
Wisdom of the Banshee Queen
The Call to Command
Hallow's End
Sylvanas also appears in the Hallow's End celebration, talking about the Forsaken's freedom. There she still uses her first high elf model (Which never left the Beta verson of Wrath of the Lich King,) and her old statistic.
In The Burning Crusade
This section concerns content exclusive to The Burning Crusade.
In death, Sylvanas still considers herself one of the foremost protectors of Quel'Thalas, and repeatedly offers assistance in the form of supplies and troops to the blood elves. This may be due in some part to the fact that the Dark Lady still grieves over her failure to protect Quel'Thalas from the Scourge invasion during the Third War, when she fell in battle. Though the blood elves initially declined most of Sylvanas' offers, fearing a trick, the beleaguered elves eventually allowed Sylvanas to station Forsaken soldiers in their lands, most prominently in the village of Tranquillien. Sylvanas played a large part in convincing Thrall to accept the blood elves into the Horde.
In Wrath of the Lich King
This section concerns content exclusive to Wrath of the Lich King.
One of the new Forsaken camps in Northrend is New Agamand. It is here that the plague the Royal Apothecary Society has been developing to combat the Scourge will be tested, as indicated from this section of the Howling Fjord background on the official site:
On the eastern shore, the Forsaken have arrived, carrying a plague of their own to unleash upon the Lich King. Queen Sylvanas has been methodically and patiently overseeing the formulation of this contagion for several years, and the time has come at last to test its effectiveness against the Scourge.
Battle for the Undercity
Main article: Battle for the Undercity
Sylvanas in the Battle For The Undercity.
As the combined Horde and Alliance forces began their assault upon Angrathar the Wrathgate, an uprising broke out within the Undercity. Varimathras and hordes of his demonic brethren overran the city, slaying all those who would not submit to their dark rule. Sylvanas claims she nearly died in the coup, but managed to escape with a number of loyalists and fled to Orgrimmar. Determined not to allow the dreadlords a foothold in Horde territory, Thrall and Sylvanas planned an immediate counter-attack. In the midst of their planning however, Jaina Proudmoore arrived with terrible news: in the wake of Bolvar Fordragon's death, Varian Wrynn had ordered an assault on the Undercity to bring Putress to justice and liberate Lordaeron for the Alliance.
Sylvanas returned to the Undercity at the head of a Horde army, determined to retake her city. Along with Thrall and Vol'jin, she led the assault into Undercity itself, a cry for her people upon her lips. In the Throne Room, Sylvanas fought and finally slew Varimathras, retaking her throne. However, how much power remains in her hands is currently unknown, and Thrall has sent Kor'kron elites to the Undercity to watch the Forsaken.
The Frozen Halls
Sylvanas meets with the spirit of Uther in the Halls of Reflection
Sylvanas leads Horde forces to the Frozen Halls inside Icecrown Citadel, to confront the Lich King and gain her vengeance against Arthas for destroying Quel'Thalas and damning her to undeath. Upon reaching his private chambers in the Halls of Reflection and standing so close to Frostmourne, Sylvanas felt the pain of her death to this blade renewed. Nonetheless, she attempted to commune with the spirits within the sword, hoping that "salvation lies within". At that point, the spirit of Uther the Lightbringer appeared, warning her that the Lich King was on his way, and of the foolishness of attempting to defeat him there. He reveals that even if Arthas were to be destroyed, there must be someone to take his place as master of the Scourge, lest they wash across the world like locusts, consuming everything in their path. To defeat the Lich King, Uther said, he must be destroyed at the place he was created: The Frozen Throne.
Just then, the Lich King arrives and reclaims his blade, consuming the soul of Uther within it. He summons Falric and Marwyn, his two top lieutenants, to kill the intruders. While her escorts (the players) battle the pair and the ghosts they summon, Sylvanas and Dark Ranger Loralen give chase as the Lich King flees to his inner sanctum. Upon defeating the death knights and their ghostly allies, the party finds Loralen dead in the hallway and the sounds of battle coming from the chamber before them - Sylvanas and the Lich King in single combat. Realizing he was too powerful to confront there, as Uther had warned, Sylvanas and her escorts flee, breaking through the ice walls and packs of undead minions the Lich King summons to slow their progress. As they reach the outside, they realize that it is a dead end, and resolve themselves to dying in battle against the Dark Lord. Just then, the gunship Orgrim's Hammer arrives on scene to rescue them. As they flee the Halls of Reflection, Sylvanas realizes that the Lich King's powers have increased tenfold, and that to defeat him, a mighty army was needed, one greater than even the Horde could muster.
Fall of the Lich King
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: So, it is done.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: I had not dared to trust my senses - too many times has the Lich King made me to be a fool.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Finally, he has been made to pay for the atrocities he imposed upon my people.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: May Azeroth never fail to remember the terrible price we paid for our weakness ... for our pride.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: But what now, hero? What of those freed from his grasp, but still shackled to their mortal coils?
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: Leave me.
Lady Sylvanas Windrunner says: I have much to ponder.
In Cataclysm
This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm.
In an interview Chris Metzen revealed that Sylvanas was ordered to move south into Gilneas because the Horde wanted a port in northern Lordaeron. Metzen mentioned Sylvanas was "in the dog house" with the Horde after the Wrathgate events and has to move when the leadership of the Horde orders her to do so.
Sylvanas has been resorting to increasingly unscrupulous tactics ever since the Wrathgate. Despite orders from the new Warchief, Garrosh Hellscream, to cease production of the Forsaken Blight that was used by Putress, she continues to use it against her enemies, including in the invasion of Gilneas and against the town of Southshore in Hillsbrad. She has also conscripted the val'kyr, the ascended vrykul women who once served the Lich King, and uses them to raise dead enemies as Forsaken as a solution to the undead not being able to procreate.
As during the Invasion of Gilneas the tide was turning against Sylvanas, she used her dark powers to stun every one in the immediate area and aimed a poisoned arrow at Genn Greymane. His son Liam jumped in front of the bowshot, saving his father from certain doom. As Sylvanas fled the scene, Liam died with the knowledge that the city had been freed from Forsaken control.
While fighting the Gilneas Liberation Front in Silverpine Forest Sylvanas arranges for the resurrection of Lord Godfrey. After Godfrey captures Lorna Crowley and delivers her to Sylvanas, Sylvanas heads towards the shattered Greymane Wall and gives Darius Crowley a choice: the surrender of the Gilneas Liberation Front or Lorna becomes one of the Forsaken. Darius decides to surrender and Sylvanas allows him to leave with his daughter and his men. Shortly afterwards she is killed by Godfrey, who quickly flees to Shadowfang Keep. High Warlord Cromush orders the val'kyr Agatha, Arthura, and Daschla to fix her. After a moment of thought the three val'kyr sacrifice themselves and give Sylvanas life once more. This convinces Sylvanas beyond a shadow of a doubt that the val'kyr are the future of the forsaken.
Later during the Battle for Andorhal Sylvanas disguises herself as Lindsay Ravensun. After the Alliance is defeated, Sylvanas confronts Koltira about his truce with Thassarian, and scolds him for being weak. A portal to the Undercity is opened and Koltira is pulled through by a hooked chain, where Sylvanas will attempt to purge him of his compassion for Thassarian and make him more of a servant of the Horde - more specifically, a servant of Sylvanas and the Forsaken .
As of the Twilight Highlands, Sylvanas and Garrosh are "mending broken fences," as put by a Forsaken NPC questgiver sent by Sylvanas to help the Dragonmaw and Garrosh.
Some have wondered if something has changed within Sylvanas due to her extreme behavior in the recent battles against the Alliance. A forsaken apothecary even leaves the forsaken and joins the Argent Crusade at Plaguewood Tower. He says that "I used to admire her, but something's changed within her. She's not herself anymore". Whether something has happened to her is unknown, but many members of the Horde and Alliance have noticed her acting differently to what she once was.
Battling the Dark Lady can prove disastrous if certain steps are not taken by raid members. First is to enter the Undercity through the sewer entrance, an obvious and well used tactic since the start of World of Warcraft. Second, upon entering Sylvanas' chamber raid members must hug the right wall as much as possible, the Undercity's battle masters as well as the Wintergrasp battle mage will be pulled if the raid goes left, and battling them can waste valuable time (each having 500k health and up) and give the Horde time to mount a defense.
Sylvanas is often considered to be the hardest city boss, but upon disabling her vanish ability she is standard tank and spank with little in terms of additional abilities.
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